CLIENT ALERT: New Law Affecting Nearly All Businesses

Effective January 1, 2024, FinCEN Requires Most Businesses to Report Beneficial Ownership Information Beginning January 1, 2024, most companies have a new requirement to provide information related to their owners and executives.  The penalties for failing to file and comply with this new requirement can result in civil penalties of up to $500 per day for […]

CLIENT ALERT: DOL Publishes New Independent Contractor Test

In December 2022, we sent out a client alert regarding the United States Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) proposed rule to reclassify the standards for employees and independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).  The DOL initially published a proposed rule in October 2022 and held public comment on the rule through early November of […]

Unpaid Internships: Exploring the Debate | Why Are They Still Around?

Internships have long been touted as a great way for college students to gain invaluable experience in their desired industry. However, many internships out there require the student to work without any type of payment or compensation.  This leaves many wondering why unpaid internships are still an option when faced with legal consequences, the potential […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Forming an LLC 

Are you ready to take the plunge and form your own business? Becoming an independent business owner can be both empowering and daunting. But when it comes down to making sure that you have created the best structure for long-term success, there’s one entity that often rises above the rest: a Limited Liability Company (LLC).  […]

Can I Be My Own Registered Agent? (Everything you need to know)

Do you want to be your own registered agent but aren’t sure if it’s possible—or even allowed?  You’re not alone – many entrepreneurs and small business owners wonder the same thing! Yes, you can be your own registered agent—but let’s take a look to see if that makes sense for your business.  There are several […]

Apologizing in Employment Situations — Does Apology Lead to Liability?

When you are running a business, workplace problems are inevitable.  When employees report problems in the workplace and/or file complaints, your response in some cases might be to apologize. As a dedicated employer in Texas, you might assume that telling an employee you are sorry they have experienced a particular issue or that they have […]

Don’t Be Your Own Registered Agent (5 Reasons Why)

When you start a business, one of the first things you need to do is choose a registered agent. This is the person or company that will receive legal and tax documents on behalf of your business.  Many small business owners choose to be their own, but there are several reasons why this may not […]

Basic Considerations When Paying Employees Commission

Employers in Texas who pay employees commissions need to consider a variety of issues to ensure that they are in compliance with state and federal law. For example, if you pay non-exempt employees commissions, generally speaking, these employees must be treated just as any other non-exempt employee. As such, Texas employment laws and federal laws […]