Final DOL Overtime Regulations Released
Yesterday, the Department of Labor released the final regulations regarding the white collar exemptions for overtime compensation. We will discuss this more here and in our newsletter, but here is a quick run down of what employers need to know: The salary threshold for the white collar exemptions (administrative, executive, professional, creative) is now $913 per […]
Workplace Drug Testing
Drug testing often can be a confusing area of the law for many employers. The first thing to consider is whether you operate in an industry in which drug testing is required or regulated (i.e. trucking/transportation) or are subject to certification or licensure requirements that include drug testing (i.e. ISO, etc.). If you are not […]
Employment Law Dallas TX: Using Background Checks in Hiring Decisions
Having someone who knows the ins and outs of employment law Dallas TX on your side is key when making staffing decisions. Hiring an employee to join your organization is a huge investment of time and money. Using pre-employment background checks offer benefits well beyond what it costs to have one conducted. These benefits are: […]
New EEOC Guidance on Retaliation
We posted a few days ago about the EEOC’s new guidance on Position Statements. Well, the EEOC has been busy because they also have proposed new enforcement guidance regarding retaliation claims and charges. From January 21, 2016 through February 24, 2016, the EEOC accepted input regarding its draft proposed enforcement guidance on retaliation claims. The […]
EEOC Position Statements
In order to assist employers in drafting EEOC position statements, we recently released a video on our YouTube page outlining tips for crafting EEOC position statements. As a follow up to that video, we want to highlight the EEOC’s recent updated information and guidance regarding employer position statements. A position statement is the employer’s response to an […]
Employment Law Dallas TX: A Partner for Human Resource Requirements
The many facets of employment law Dallas TX are complicated and often overwhelming. Government agencies regularly audit businesses on virtually every aspect of the employment relationship. Some areas that are inspected include: Hours worked by employees Exempt vs. Nonexempt classifications Overtime compensation Employee handbooks Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment practices Most businesses simply do not have the […]
What Justice Scalia’s Death Means for Employers
You likely have seen or read numerous stories and reports about the death of United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and what it means for U.S. politics and the upcoming presidential election. We will leave that discussion to the experts. If a replacement is not appointed and approved, though, the Supreme Court will be […]
Employment Law Dallas TX: Contractors to Receive New Benefits
A recent change in employment law Dallas TX means contractors no longer have to worry about staying home from work sick and not receiving pay for it. Hundreds of thousands of American workers are now eligible for paid sick leave after President Obama signed an executive order in September of 2015 that forces companies who contract […]
Employment Law Dallas TX: Understand the Changes to FLSA in 2016
One of the most difficult responsibilities for an organization is to stay on top of employment law Dallas TX. Every year sees new legislation and updates to existing laws regarding employees. 2015 was a busy year with changes at the federal, state, and local levels. Projections for the upcoming year could be even more eventful. […]
FLSA Lawsuits and Enforcement On the Rise
It doesn’t take much to see that FLSA claims, including lawsuits and Department of Labor audits/enforcement, are on the rise. All you have to do is turn on your TV, open a newspaper or visit the Internet. In fact, if you use Uber to get around or follow the NFL or the NBA, you already […]