Avoiding Common FMLA Mistakes

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires that covered employers give their employees up to 12 weeks per year of job-protected, unpaid leave for specific family and medical reasons. The employee has access to the same group insurance while on leave that he or she would have if still at work. Due to the […]

Handling Employee Misconduct & Discipline

Handling Workplace Misconduct and Employee Disciplinary Action From time to time, employees will engage in conduct that is unsuitable in the workplace. In order to address conduct that is inappropriate, offensive, or dangerous, companies often create a procedure to correct employee misconduct and to address employee discipline. Plans of this nature serve to not only […]

Creating a Corporate Emergency & Disaster Plan

Businesses of all sizes should prepare for emergencies and disasters because developing emergency and disaster plans address a business’ safety and business needs, as well as provide protection in the event of potential legal action. The best way to accomplish this is to elect a program manager, create a formal plan, and test for effectiveness. […]

Employing Minors in Texas

Employing a person younger than the age of 18 requires adherence to a specific set of labor laws, referred to as Texas Child Labor Law. The law is not there to prohibit or impede the hiring of minors; rather, child labor laws protect the safety and rights of minors in the workplace. Learn Age- and […]

Handling Layoffs with Compassion

Proactive management is essential when a company faces the harsh reality of having to lay off members of its workforce. A transition process needs to consider the members who are separating from the team and those who are staying behind. Develop an Overall Strategy A comprehensive strategy should be developed as soon layoffs become necessary. […]

Employing Interns in Texas

This time of year, many organizations start interviewing potential candidates for summer internships. Internships can be valuable both for interns and business owners. In exchange for work, interns can acquire on the job skills In many organizations, questions will arise over issues such as the number of hours an intern will work and whether or […]

Legality of Workplace Monitoring & Surveillance

If you pay employees to do a job and provide a place for them to do it, the assumption is while they’re on the clock, they’ll be doing it. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Employers use workplace surveillance systems not only to be sure employees are working but also to maintain workplace safety, to […]

Creating an Office Fraternization Policy

If only good management just involved helping employees be productive. One of the biggest challenges facing leadership is managing the relationships co-workers have with each other. Your business should already have a sexual harassment policy, but that doesn’t cover other types of relationships that may cause problems. Let employees know company expectations for workplace behavior […]

Establishing a Performance Improvement Plan

When an employee fails to live up to your performance requirements, it is in everyone’s best interest to open communication with them to address the situation. A performance improvement plan (PIP), also known as a performance action plan, can be an effective way to allow employees to make changes needed to correct problems, overcome deficiencies, […]

OSHA’s Injury & Illness Prevention Policy

Workplace injuries and illnesses cost businesses in the United States billions of dollars every year and devastate the lives of the victims and their families. To address this problem, the U.S. Government created the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) in 1970. A year later, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created. Workplace Injuries […]