The ADA at 25

My firm recently was asked by a client to provide a list of the top three compliance issues facing employers today.  I know you are sitting there thinking, “only three?!?!”  As we considered the issues our clients face, though, we compiled a list that you probably see on pretty much every continuing education brochure you […]

Overtime Regulations Update

The Obama Administration and the Department of Labor have proposed new overtime regulations that are slated to go into effect early next year.  Here is what we know. The salary threshold for the white collar exemptions (i.e. executive, administrative and professional) in which most exempt workers fall will rise from $23,660 to $50,440 (from $455 […]

News and Notes

For all you folks out there just yearning for employment law news, we have a few “News and Notes” for you as we hit mid-week. We’ve all heard the talk about the Obama Administration’s push to change the overtime white-collar exemptions but did you know that the Department of Labor also is beginning the process […]

What Does The Hobby Lobby Decision Mean for Your Business

On June 30, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court reached a decision regarding whether or not Hobby Lobby and other closely-held businesses had to pay for contraceptive measures that those companies viewed as abortion and, therefore, against those companies’ owners’ religious beliefs.  The contraceptive coverage was mandated under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of […]

Don’t Forget About Disparate Impact Discrimination

As Human Resources professionals, you all know about the various types of discrimination and quite certainly you all have policies prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. I am sure you have regular training for management and non-management personnel regarding how to prevent discrimination and in the unlikely event of discrimination, how to remedy it. Most likely, […]