A Non Compete Attorney Is Essential for Businesses of All Sizes

Non Compete Attorney Dallas TXSmall businesses might think that they don’t need a non-compete attorney in Dallas TX because the “big guys” are the only ones who have a high number of employees or trade secrets that are valuable enough to require protection. While those are legitimate concerns that make non-compete agreements a necessity for large companies, they are also reasons, though on a smaller scale, for small businesses to have them, too. No matter what size your company is, you should have the protection it needs to ensure business won’t be disrupted if an employee leaves.

Employee Quality Over Quantity

However many employees you have, you make an investment when you train them. Any experienced non-compete attorney will tell you that your investment will go to waste if you don’t have an agreement in place when a competitor glides in and makes an offer an employee can’t refuse. It’s a great deal for the competitor–they get an employee who is prepared to hit the ground running, one whom they can pay just a bit more because they don’t have to spend resources training them. It’s a good deal for the employee, too, who essentially got paid by you to get trained and then immediately got a raise when your competitor came knocking.

Information Protection

A non-compete agreement (and confidentiality agreement) is vital for protecting sensitive client information and data from walking out the door with an employee when an employee quits. That information could be anything from your product lists to marketing strategies and client directories. Additionally, you can have a non-compete attorney include sections in the agreement that protect client information that should remain confidential such as account numbers, financial records, and similar information. Doing so will not only protect your business and clients but will also work to increase the confidence clients place in your company.

Set the Rules and Spell Out Expectations

Typically, non-compete agreements are signed early on.  They’re usually presented with the hiring packet employees get from human resources when they start working for a company. Doing so clarifies for employees what is expected of them, sets the rules they are to follow, and it clearly defines your policy in the event that litigation is necessary.

Because these types of agreements are vital for your company’s protection, regardless of how big or small it is, it’s essential that yours is drafted by an experienced attorney. You’ll find the skilled employment attorneys you need at Simon|Paschal PLLC. They deal with all aspects of employment law including non-compete agreements. Even if you already have one in place, Simon|Paschal will be happy to review it and offer advice on revisions that may need to be made. Get the help you need to protect your business. Call Simon|Paschal today.

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Photo Credit: @DepositPhotos.com/ andrewgenn

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