Client Alert: FTC Noncompete Agreements

We just finished watching an open meeting of the FTC. By a vote of 3-2, the Commission voted to approve a final rule that would ban noncompete agreements (as well as require employers to rescind such agreements that are currently in effect). The dissenting commissioners believed, among other reasons, that the FTC did not have […]

FMLA Lawyer: Navigating Family and Medical Leave Act with Ease

Are you struggling to make sense of the complexities surrounding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?  If so, you are not alone. Navigating the FMLA can be a daunting task for both employees and employers. Depending on the location, size and type of business there are a lot of things to consider.  While at […]

The Benefits of LLC Formation For Your Texas Business

One of the most popular entity options that offers significant advantages is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). 

Let’s take a look at the benefits of LLC formation, including asset protection, tax advantages, and enhanced credibility. 

CLIENT ALERT: DOL Publishes New Independent Contractor Test

In December 2022, we sent out a client alert regarding the United States Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) proposed rule to reclassify the standards for employees and independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).  The DOL initially published a proposed rule in October 2022 and held public comment on the rule through early November of […]

3 Surprising Reasons Your Small Business Needs an Employee Handbook

As a small business owner, you may not realize the importance of a handbook for your employees, but an employment attorney can help you understand the benefits.  A handbook not only gives your employees required rules and regulations for your business, but it can also protect you and your business’ assets in legal battles. If […]

Benefits of Hiring an Employment Law Attorney to Design IC Agreements

Hiring independent contractors is a common practice for many business owners, but you may not know fully understand how an employment law attorney can design Independent Contractor agreements to protect your company. Considering hiring contractors to complete tasks can save your business money. However, ensuring each contractor is properly classified as an independent contractor and […]

4 Ways to Use Employee Handbook In Considering Employee Law Dallas TX

As an employer, employment law is one of those pesky items that is always in the back of your mind. One of the best ways to ensure that all of your employees have the best resources on hand in regards to employment law in Dallas, TX is to create an in-depth employee handbook. Let’s go through […]