Employment Law Dallas TX Does Not Have to Hurt Your Business

From contracts and severance agreements to potential charges involving discrimination or safety, employment law Dallas TX can be ridiculously complex. And in today’s world, just about every aspect of your business can be adversely affected by poor planning–and the unexpected can always happen. However, Simon | Paschal can assist your business with all aspects of employment […]

Employment Law Dallas, TX: 5 Steps for Creating a Protective Handbook

Employers in modern business are finding it harder and harder to grapple with the legalities of employment law in Dallas, TX. Companies regularly face lawsuits from past, present, and prospective employees, but many times these lawsuits are simply the result of a disgruntled employee trying to exploit a business for his own financial gain. One […]

Stay Ahead of Employment Law in Dallas TX

A company’s employees are a vital part of any business. It is crucial for an employer to take care of its employees to avoid expensive legal ramifications for improper treatment. Having everything legally sound is an immense task and often times a business only has a few employees in its Human Resources department. The lawyers […]

Employment Law in Dallas TX | Dallas Attorneys Working for Employers

Concerned about employment law in Dallas, TX? Understanding employment law is a crucial step in protecting any business. The success of any business is built upon its relationship to its employees. Management of employees and employee welfare is a big concern for every company, and every company will have a varied set of needs and […]

Employment Law in Dallas TX – Issues Facing Small Business

A legal firm specializing in employment Law in Dallas TX can help your business maneuver the maze of rules and regulations regarding hiring, training and supervising employees. Small businesses have a lot to contend with when it comes to employees. Even if you have a human resources department, an employment law firm can advise you regarding […]